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SMYC Winter Sailing Camp 2023 - 2024 를 마치고..

강동현|2024-01-16 11:15:06|조회수: 491

Sailing Through Gusty Waves - SMYC Winter Sailing Camp 2023-2024

Ethan Kang




Hello everyone, I am Ethan Kang, a student in Portsmouth Abbey School and a participant in the SMYC Winter Camp of 2023 - 2024. I would love to share the excellent experiences I’ve had in this year’s camp. In midst of winter's chill, Seoul Marina Yacht Club (SMYC) hosted an exceptional sailing experience that lasted from December 26, 2023, to January 7, 2024, located in a coastal city of Yeosu, Korea. Our Head Coach Gilchul Park (박길철 총괄감독님), along with SMYC Commodore & Lead Coach Jinyoung Hong, provided oustanding guidance throughout the Winter Sailing Camp, training a diverse array of participants. The SMYC camp accepted participants from all over the world including international students from the United States, fostering a vibrant and inclusive community of sailors.



(Head Coach Gilchul Park, Katherin Park, Liam Yoonha Lee, Jeffrey Chang, Yoonseo Lee, Kayla Kim, Ethan Kang, Ewan Kang, Dongyoon Yeo, Ethan Kim, Haewon Hong, Dayeon Yang and Jinyoung Hong)


Navigating the Winter Sea

Nestled in the breathtaking coastal beauty of Yeosu, renowned for its stunning vistas, the city emerged as the perfect setting for a series of regattas and, notably, our Sailing Camp, benefiting from Korea's most temperate winter climate. Yeosu's exceptional weather allowed these young sailors an unforgettable memory, creating the perfect marine condition. As the strong breezes swept over the surface, participants embraced the opportunity to navigate the high waves and strong gusts.




Leadership Excellence: The Coaching Brilliance of Gilchul Park

The Winter Sailing Camp was led by the proficient Head Coach Gilchul Park, an expert in Korean sailing. Coach Park, with his experience as a gold medalist and a former global top 10 Laser Class sailor, brought excellence to the camp, enhancing th student’s sailing skills. Beyond personal accolades, Park's presence served as a profound source of inspiration for aspiring sailors. Steering the sailing odyssey, Park played pivotal roles in shaping the camp environment, fostering a space where participants honed their skills and established a deep connection with the sea.

Park's coaching brilliance went beyond imparting technical sailing skills; it created an immersive and transformative learning experience. Each session, guided by his expertise, not only delved into the intricacies of sailing but also instilled values of sportsmanship, perseverance, and a profound appreciation for the sea. Under Park's guidance, the Winter Sailing Camp became a journey where participants not only mastered the art of sailing but also cultivated a holistic understanding of the maritime world.


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Class Diversity

The Winter Sailing Camp didn’t give everyone an uniform experience but rather a tailored journey catering to sailors with diverse expertise levels. The program featured a range of classes designed to accommodate varying skill sets and boats. Participants could choose from the RS Aero, emphasizing agility and precision, to the youth-friendly RS Tera, crafted specifically to introduce the next generation to the joys of sailing. The versatile RS Zest, the collaborative RS Quest, and the competitive 420 complemented the fleet, offering a broad spectrum of oppurtunities.

Each class presented distinct challenges and rewards, creating an environment where participants could delve into different aspects of sailing based on their individual interests and proficiency levels. Whether seeking the thrill of precision sailing, introducing youth to the sport, or engaging in collaborative and competitive experiences, the Winter Sailing Camp provided a platform for diverse exploration within the maritime realm.














Skill Development

Guided by the attentive supervision of Head Coach Gilchul Park, the Winter Sailing Camp evolved into a skill development crucible. Participants were afforded the chance to deeply engage with the intricacies of their chosen class, refining their technical skills and grasping the essential theories of sailing. Enthusiasts of the RS Aero focused on mastering swift maneuvering, while RS Tera sailors delved into the foundations of youth sailing. The RS Zest crew explored versatile sailing techniques, RS Quest participants cultivated collaborative teamwork, and 420 sailors honed their competitive edge. Each class provided a unique learning journey, tailored to enhance participants' expertise and proficiency in their specific area of interest within the realm of sailing.









Inner Growth Amidst the Waves

Sailing through winter seas necessitated both teamwork and individual self-management. Participants were not only responsible for preparing the boats for the day's journey but also managing their personal gear, instilling a sense of ownership over their responsibilities. Especially the sailors who sailed on 420 were able to improve their skipper and crew skills notably, learning how to communicate between partners on sea. The discipline essential for efficient sailing extended into their daily lives, imparting valuable lessons in planning, organization, and accountability. To demonstrate, each morning, participants had to wake up early, participating in morning workout routines, led by the Head Coach. Facing the challenges posed by winter winds, participants unearthed an inner resilience that proved beneficial not only in refining their sailing skills but also in fostering effective self-management beyond the shores.






Reflections on Group Life

The communal life at the Winter Sailing Camp mirrored the intricate tapestry of real life. Shared challenges and victories became threads weaving a heightened sense of empathy and understanding among participants. Recognizing each other's strengths and weaknesses fostered a supportive environment, ensuring that every sailor felt appreciated. The lessons learned, encompassing time commitment and self-management amidst the rhythmic waves of the sea, extended well beyond the Winter Sailing Camp. These experiences left a lasting impact, shaping participants' perspectives on the significance of discipline and teamwork in their everyday lives.









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 Seoul Marina Yacht Club's Winter Sailing Camp in Yeosu, Korea, throughout the winter of 2023-2024, showcased the timeless allure of sailing, even in the coldest months. Guided by the expertise of Head Coach Gilchul Park and Coach Jinyoung Hong, participants from diverse backgrounds and skill levels came together to navigate the winter waves. Against the enchanting winter backdrop of Yeosu, the RS Aero, RS Tera, RS Zest, RS Quest, and 420 sailed gracefully, imprinting a lasting impression on the hearts of global sailors. The Winter Sailing Camp not only built a sense of community but also enhanced skills and ignited a lasting passion for the sea. We eagerly anticipate future sailing adventures at Seoul Marina Yacht Club. Thank you everyone who supported us including the Head Coach, Lead Coach and parents! 



A special thanks to 박길철감독님. We look forward to seeing you again before not too long!
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