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ISAF 전문위원회 위원 신청

대한요트협회|2004-07-21|조회수: 5146

제목 없음 금년 11월 덴마크 코펜하겐에서 개최되는 ISAF 총회에서 2005-2008 ISAF Committees 위원을 아래와 같이 새로 임명합니다. 관심있으신 분들은 첨부 신청서와 관련규정(ISAF Regulations 제2장 및 제3장; ISAF 홈페이지(에서 검색가능 )을 검토하신 후 7월 1일까지 본 협회로 첨부 신청서 및 이력서를 제출하여 주시기 바랍니다. 본 협회는 신청서를 접수 검토한 후 적임자로 판단되는 분의 신청서에 서명하여 ISAF에 발송할 예정입니다.

To:  Member National Authorities (MNAs)
        ISAF Council

In November 2004, the new ISAF Council will consider the recommendation from the Executive Committee for the formation of new committees for the period 2005-2008.  ISAF has detailed the full process for the nomination and selection of committee members in Regulation 6, some details of which the ISAF Council may amend at their meeting in June 2004.

To make a nomination for an ISAF Committee Member, please complete and return an application comprised as follows:

- A fully completed and signed application form (initialled at the bottom of each page) with supporting statement; and
- A detailed resume (CV)

Applications may be sent by e-mail to or by fax to: + 44 (0) 23 80 635 789.  The signed original copy of the application must be received at the ISAF Secretariat (address below) by the deadline of 1st August 2004:

A Member National Authority must indicate their support for the application by completing the relevant part of the form.

ISAF has detailed the Terms of Reference for each committee in Regulation 15.

Please, therefore, find the following documents attached:

1.      Committee Nomination Form for the period 2005-2008      <<...>>
2.      ISAF Regulation, Part II - including regulation 6       <<...>>
3.      ISAF Regulations, Part III - including regulation 15    <<...>>

As completed nomination forms are received, they will be acknowledged and included [within one week] on a list on the ISAF website at

NB:  Contact Details
Please note that there is space given on the form to indicate whether the nominee wishes their contact details to be included within the ISAF Yearbook.  For 2005, the space will be limited to include one address, two contact numbers, a fax number and an e-mail address.  However, to extend the lifespan of the form (to 2008), please indicate ALL the contact details that we may include.  From this we will be able to consider whether there is a need to include further contact details in future yearbooks.

For further details please contact Melanie Foster at the ISAF Secretariat on + 44 23 80 68 28 32 or e-mail:

With best regards

Arve Sundheim
Secretary General

c/o Melanie Foster
Administration Manager, ISAF Secretariat
Tel: +44 (0) 23 80682832 (direct)
Tel: + 44 (0) 23 80 635111 (switchboard)
Fax:+44 (0) 23 80635789
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